Our Insights


Digital engagement with customers and partners on all channels is not optional, and maintaining a website is not enough anymore.

But businesses that ensure their organization and processes are ready to meet new digital challenges, those that respond to their customers’ need for simplifed, cross-channel e-commerce and deeply integrated self-service processes, will turn the digital threat into advantages over their competitors.

Learning from digital pure players provides fundamental lessons and key insights that can be adopted to transform enterprises into digital leaders.


Learning how progressive organizations use mobile technologies for computing and communication helps enterprises to invent new markets with new business opportunities, improve sales and service quality, reduce support costs and improve internal communication and eliminate expense leaks.

Enterprises in which the C-level management understands the
potential of the Digital Revolution and how to beneft from mobile computing and mobile communication are those that are likely to be most successful.

accentis helps your enterprise to set up a leading Enterprise Mobility Strategy which ensures your mobile success. We support our customers to invent leading-edge mobile computing and mobile communication solutions, both to reduce costs and to deliver growth.


Highly complex international transformation projects are dependent on the people and the methods being utilized.

An optimal control and an effcient implementation of projects are widely determined by the agreed approach of the project team.

accentis provides the business consultants, transformation consultants and the IT-architects who know your specifc success factors. Over many years they have gathered a broad experience in international projects and can create a conceptual design of nationally and internationally harmonized systems architectures.

accentis offers you a completely new dimension of project implementation and control, all the way from the strategy and target defnition down to the tailored system transaction, using a concept which is based on methodologies for complex business transformation projects.

The integrated and pragmatic approach of the active transformation methodology accelerates the enterprise transformation remarkably. At the same time, it stands for a high consulting quality and a reduced budget in comparison to conventional project methodologies.

accentis guarantees a project transparency which you have never encountered before and the permanent traceability of project targets and controls. Consequent focus on project targets, combined with high professionalism in the project management, often enables the client to reach an amortization of the project cost during its run time.


The integration of strategy processes and implementation is a major challenge for all projects. Many projects fail in the face of this challenge, or don’t bring the expected results, because people from the strategic and implementation levels aren’t speaking the same language. With the Active Transformation® Methodology, complex transformation projects will be implemented effciently and successfully. Strategy development, process design and implementation will be parallelized; hence, overall project run times will be signifcantly reduced.

accentis operates with a stringent and proven methodology which covers and integrates all project levels and phases. This paves the way for a seamless transformation from strategy defnition to process modelling and concluding implementation.

Management Consulting

Companies today face an ever-changing landscape of global challenges, industry trends and internal challenges. The accentis business interaction service model helps you to anticipate industry trends to deliver the best strategic outcomes. accentis Management Consulting shows you the way to extend sales, reduce costs and improve your organization. Finding the right business model – the purest expression of how a company creates value – plays a great role in determining who wins and who loses in today’s economy.

Our business interaction service model supports you in anticipating industry trends and creating business models to solve internal tensions and respond to market opportunities.

Our Strengths

  • Organisational Transformation and Change Management

  • Digital Enterprise

    • Collaboration, Learning, Knowledge Management, etc.

  • Industry Experts

    • Process Efficiency

    • Product Development

    • Best Practices

  • Accentis Innovation Lab

    • Business driven and agile digital transformation

  • Program and Project Management

  • Release and Test Management

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